The Horror...The Horror...

My reaction after reading that The Karate Kid and The A-Team finished this past weekend in the #1 and #2 spots at the box office ----->

Absolutely disgusting. Yet another discouraging example of my constant dissapointment in Hollywood movies and with the population of North America who actually spend their money to see films like these ones. I get perplexed enough when I hear these movies are being made in the first place, but its truly a pull-my-hair-out experience when I find out they actually make a lot of money. It boggles my mind of how people can subject themselves to these movies. I really do want to meet the person who would come up to their friends and say;

"Yo guys, you want to go see A-Team tonight? Rampage Jackson is in it and that guy from the Hangover is in it, and that guy from District 9 is in it and that old guy that beats people up in that movie Taken is in it too. It looks really awesome!"- Reginald Douchebag III

If you are reading this and have seen The A-Team and or want to see it, stop reading my page immediately. I don't want to be your friend. I love when you get friends telling you "I knew it would be bad, but its entertaining." it is not entertaining. Don't make that excuse. I would seriously rather paint my parents kitchen than go see these movies. Another of my favourites was "there wasn't anything else playing.." Then read a book! Go for a 1 hr 47mins walk. Go to a park and hangout with a friend. Or better yet sit in a room in the dark and really think about the mistake you were about to make by spending $11.00 on a movie that has Bradley Cooper shooting down a plane with a mounted gun while he plunges to earth in a tank. And "at least watch it before you judge," isn't going to fly here either. F you if you think I need to sit and watch these movies before I can say they're bad.

Jay Z took his wife Beyonce to check out The Karate Kid on cheap Tuesday because he's friends with Will Smith and figured why not. Wrong move Hova. This picture was taken within the first 5mins of dialogue. Both Jay Z and Beyonce walked out when Jackie Chan showed up in the movie.

If I had a 10-year old son and he asked me to go see The Karate Kid with him this weekend, I'd lean down towards his precious little ear and would say ever-so forcefully "No" and then pat his head for his young adolescent stupidity. Nothing really wrong with him asking me to go, he's 10! He doesn't know any better, but I do and as his father its my duty to save myself some money. Plus he gets his bad taste in movies from his mother who thought Marmaduke looked promising. I'd go rent him the original Karate Kid and although I don't even particularly like that movie, I'd make him watch that instead on the sole principle that I think its pathetic they remade it! The movie would be bad enough alone, but add a Justin Beiber theme song featuring Will Smith's kid rapping in it? yeah, kiddo...I'm not taking you to that movie. Now go ask your Mom about the time her and I went to see Sex and the City 2 and instead of watching it your baby sister was concieved. Oh ya! Forgot to tell you, you're going to have a baby sister to share your room with because I'm not giving up my den.

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