Satan Can Be Cute

So, I'm enjoying some drinks with The Babe and AGM on Saturday night right? We're having a good time, excited for what the night has to offer but then this bitch comes up to me and starts just really getting on my nerves. I don't just refer to her as bitch because I'm one of those guys that direct derogatory comments or names towards females just for kicks, no, I call her a bitch because she IS A BITCH. Like god, she was so annoying and she wouldn't leave me alone. I'm a pretty nice guy, but there are some out there that rub me the wrong way and she's one of them. At one point she looked like she was going to jump me and I bet if we were alone in an alleyway with one another, she would have, but lucky enough we were in front of friends. She's cute, and your eyes will be drawn to her if she enters a room, I will give her that. She came up beside me pretty early on in the night and I didn't notice her so she scared me, and if its one thing the Blob doesn't do is being scared without some sort of payback. So I sort of raised my voice at her and I may or may not have called her a "skanky whore," "or a "stupid bitch," or something on those lines, I can't really remember since I was in a blind rage. I didn't really feel good about it, I felt...wait, correction, I DID feel good about it because she is a skanky bitchy whore. She is not nice, throws hissy fits and shows her ugly side more than a friendly side and I can't respect that. So anytime I go over to my friends for a drink and if she's around I just stay on my toes and can't relax because I always think she's going to come out and claw my eyes out because of that comment I made towards her. I didn't apologize, just stopped talking to her and ignored her the rest of the night. My friend AGM seemed fine with her, actually dug her a bit but I hate her and I don't want her around me...ever.. Even if I was the last person on earth, I wouldn't want her as company. The hatred runs deep.

Oh by the way, the bitch's name is Bella, and she's a 9 month year old housecat, but despite that my opinion and comments towards her still stand. You're such a bitch, you bitch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bitch Bitch Bitch! Cant live with them, cant live without them.
Great blog!! i read it loud to a couple peeps, now they share the same hate for that stupid bitch. Remember to always look behind you because a bitch is always lingering. Stupid bitch lingers.

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