This One's For The Ladies!

So its Spring and in the past few days it seems like people are finding love and falling out of it. Strange how a season can do that, or is it just coincidental timing? Speaking of, it seems like its the ladies in my life that are having the worst of it. Whether they are ending relationships, having troubles with one, or just can't buy one they are all hard-pressed to find a smile. So I'm dedicating this post to you girls and giving you two peices of music to listen to before you go out into the night. So this is what you do:
Get your lovely asses out of bed. Go to the shower, turn it on nice and hot. While you're waiting for the water to heat up and motivation to jump in it. Watch this video/listen to this song.
Marina & The Diamonds - I Am Not A Robot

Now jump into that shower humming. Enjoy it. Now that you're nice and refreshed, get out.

One of the most important element of having a good night is what you do before you even go out. Its during the "getting ready" process. What music you play. It will more often than not determine your mood, what you dress like and how you look walking out the door. So with that, I want you to feel confident, hot and ready for fun. So I give you this song to listen to while you're getting yourself looking pretty. It'll work, trust me. But make sure you follow my next steps when picking out what you'll wear. Also be sure to turn this song UP espeically at the 2:45 mins mark, its good. Get it loud in that room.

Dragonette - Pick Up The Phone (Van She Remix)

Dragonette - Pick Up The Phone (Van She Remix) by Travissimo

You will dress and walk yourself over to your closet pick out something that'll make you turn heads. I'm talking something on the border of pure class, and slut. Accent what you have, but hide enough to make the men, like myself, wondering what else you have. Put it on and together. Start putting on some makeup, try wearing some rouge tonight, espeically if you're blonde. Believe me, rouge is back in force. It'll pop and catch eyes. Now as the music is going louder and louder as you get ready and sip at a drink make sure you dance a little or at least nod your head to the beat! Look in the mirror? you look good and cute/sexy/hot/whatever other than bad? You feel happy and confident? Feel like your prepared to ignore boys stares from across the bar but are secretly counting how many eyes you attract? Well then you may be ready to meet up with friends and have a good night so go do it!

....and maybe find a cute boy to have a "pick me up" f**k while your at it. And if that cute boy happens to be me, well I'll give you a shout out in my next blog. HOLLA!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Class or slutty??? Thanks for explaining that we can be both!!

Dancing away to the jams with the ladies. See you tonight blog. Please save a dance for all of us.

Love your red sluts

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